Friday, January 1, 2010

I love you Steve Jobs

So I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Christmas and New Years both have come and gone without anything dramatic or weird happening, a success in all respects!

I have made a serious decision. I have purchased:


This is a big deal because I never really imagined I would have an iPhone. I've had a 4 year old flip phone from Verizon for, well 4 years. Before that I didn't even have a cell phone. Yes, I didn't start using a cell phone until I was 24.

And now I have the mack daddy of phones. It is a gem. It's beautiful and sleek and I get my e-mails whenever I want, I can watch youtube videos of Jem in bed, I can play pac man or skee ball while I'm waiting in line at the post office, or if I forget where the nearest Taco Bell is, my phone will tell me. It also takes pictures of me and then makes them rainbow:

That photo is ridiculous. But it's rainbow! Seriously.


andrea jean said...

Yay for getting an iPhone! My newest phone goes online but is nowhere near as cool.

I've been a cell phone user for 7-and-a-half years. Kind of crazy to think about.

Jen said...

It's crazy that I went SO long without a cell phone. While all my friends texted each other, I was rushing home to check my answering machine to see if anyone called. Seems so silly now.

The iPhone is life changing. I've drank the kool-aid and I'm such a believer. And I used to be very judgmental about them. That is, until my boyfriend bought one (after me begging him not too), and then playing with it and *is* all that.

Lara said...

Oh I was on the verge of getting one too- I work for a phone company so my discount made it look quite appealing. Plus after testing out my bf's iphone, I realised I can use blogger on it! Blogging on the go? That pretty much sold me. But I think I'll hold out for the new one that is apparently coming out in June/July.

w said...

bitchin' rig you got there, truly. by the way, i like your profile picture (the two women), where is that from? can you apply rainbows to any picture on your phone, i.e. contact pictures? if ever i called, i would like to think that my image would be awash in diaphanous rainbow light.

w said...

it's wes by the way...

Sadako said...

Congrats, hope you enjoy it! Ooh, pac man. Vintage!

Sadako said...

Award for yew!